- 24th-25th September 2022, in Turku, Finland
- with Shihan ILPO JALAMO, 7. dan, branch chief of Yuishinkai karate and RKHSK kobujutsu in Finland and
- with Shihan JULIAN MEAD, 7. dan, branch chief of Yuishinkai karate and RKHSK kobujutsu in Great Britain
Program: Traditional Ryukyu Kobujutsu kihon, kumite and kata. Lecture by Shihan Mead. Weapons to be trained: bo, sai, kama and surujin* (*For higher dan grades)
Venue: Sports Center Alfa, Raunistulantie 15, Turku, Finland
- Sat: 11:00-13:00, 14:00-16:00, lecture 16:00-17:00
- Sun: 10:00-12:00, 13:00-15:00
Get-together dinner on Saturday evening at 19:00 (at your own cost)
Fees: Tode members 80 €, Finnish Yuishinkai members 90 €, non-members 100 €. Transportation package 75 €*.
Registration via electronic form at the latest on 16 September https://forms.gle/6qvDEdDM65v8nrso7
More information: kobudo@turuntode.fi
Inform us also if you want to join the dinner on Saturday.
Travel and hotels: International participants please ask advice on how to get to Turku: kobudo@turuntode.fi. Hotel recommendation: Centro Hotel with special price using ”Budo” code, www.centrohotel.com
*For international guests only. Includes shuttle bus transportation Hki Airport-Turku-Hki Airport and transportation Sat hotel-seminar venue-hotel and Sun hotel-seminar venue. Available on for a limited number of persons, book your seat now.